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You can download Chaar Sahibzaade movie torrent from your PC or laptop in a few small steps. The main thing you need to do is make sure that you have a BitTorrent client installed on your device and then visit the official server where the item is located. This means that once you have downloaded it, you can watch it without any restrictions. However, please note that some websites might require payment before they give access to their content and still others might charge more than $10 for one movie which is just unreasonable. As a rule of thumb, it's always best to check the official website of the project that you want to download before actually doing so because you might be able to find more info on it there as well as download options.Another thing that you need to do is make sure that your device is connected to the internet, this means that it's not behind any firewalls and such. Once you have verified this, all you need to do is simply click the link and wait for the data to download and then install and watch. It's that easy! However, please note that we do NOT host any torrent files on our servers. And, we do NOT create any links on our site. Please search them from other sites. Chaar Sahibzaade is a 2014 Indian romance drama film directed by Vishwas Patil and produced by Shahrukh Khan's Red Chillies Entertainment and Aanand L. Rai under the banners of T-Series and Aanand L. Rai Productions respectively. The film stars Shahrukh Khan along with Aditya Roy Kapur, Farhan Akhtar, Arjun Rampal, Kalki Koechlin and Madhavan in lead roles while Boman Irani appears as a cameo role as a writer & poet. The film was released on 29 August 2014 and it received mixed reviews from critics. Though lauded for Shahrukh's performance, the writing and editing were criticised by many leading film critics. The film opens with the story of a young poet (Aditya Roy Kapur) who comes out of jail and reaches Mumbai to reunite with his mentor (Boman Irani). He then vows to compose his greatest poem to win the heart of a beautiful lady (Arjun Rampal) who sings to him in memory of her lover, who had died in an accident years ago. It then reveals flashbacks to the young poet's journey, how he first met his mentor, his first love and other events that happen in his life. It then takes us back to the present where the gay poet (Shahrukh Khan) is shown to be telling his secretary (Yashpal Sharma) about how he wrote poetry after the death of his best friend. The secretary also tells him about a new girl who has come to work for them, but she does not seem interested in romance. He says he will give her one day off since she doesn't want any romantic attention from him, though she seems attracted to him. cfa1e77820